
if/else conditions tell the code to try to do the if option first and if that cannot be done, return the else option. In the first code below, I'll have the PHP return a message to tell you the server name or if the name is blank.

This is the server's name mail.campb629.soisweb.uwm.edu.
If a server name is not set up the code will return that information.

if...elseif...else condition

This is the section for the if/elseif/else condition. This code will check to see if the server name is blank, if it returns that the name is "localhost" and if either of those are met, it will return a line telling the user that.

We have found the server's name. It's mail.campb629.soisweb.uwm.edu!

switch case

PHP switch/case is used when there are many different else options. For example, if there were many openssl_get_cert_locations in what the server name could return typically (name 1 through name 10) you would want to use switch case instead of having the code run through every else option.

The name is still mail.campb629.soisweb.uwm.edu.